Photoelectric sensors
- Different designs
- Large range
- High resolution
- Red-light, infrared-light or red-light laser clocked
- High switching accuracy and switching frequency
- Sensitivity adjustment: Potentiometer,
- teach-in or remote teach
- Protection class IP 67
- Robust metal casing
- Different designs
- Large range
- High resolution
- Red-light, infrared-light or red-light laser clocked
- Sensitivity adjustment: Potentiometer, teach-in or remote teach
- Functional reserve and contamination indicator
- Collimated laser beam
- Small laser spot and small reflector
- High protection class
- Robust casing
- UL-Approval
- Different designs
- Large range up to 50 m
- High resolution
- Red-light, infrared-light oder red-light laser clocked
- Sensitivity adjustable
- Very high contamination/functional reserve
- Transmit power adjustable
- Alignment aid
- Collimated laser beam
- Robust casing
- UL-Approval
- Contrast diffuse sensor with white light LED
- Detects finest contrasts
- High resolution
- Sensitivity adjustment:by teach key with key-lock function
- Auto-teach during a running process
- LED indicator for the teach procedure
- High protection class
- Robust metal casing
- UL-Approval
di-soric Sensor Serie M18
Laser diffuse sensor